Indoor blinds installations as well as outdoor sunscreens have become an increasingly vital issue in Singapore due to ever changing and indeterminate weather conditions. Our sunscreen structures uses the most advanced architectural materials available and support elements that are made from finest quality steel and state-of-the-art connection components. Sunscreen improves both the appearance and functionality of a home or business.
By accentuating the architecture, sunscreens beautify buildings exterior while reflecting distinct taste of the owners. Beyond their decorative functions, our sunscreen often create a harmonious, fluid and unobstructed transition between indoors and outdoors.
All of our system are made from the finest European manufactured components and assembled in Singapore according to your specific order. Besides sunscreen, AZ BLIND is specialised in planning, design and construction of high quality retractable awning. We aim to turn your outdoor space into a pleasant and useful zone. Our commitment to customer satisfaction ensures your outdoor living satisfaction, without compromising indoor privacy.
Find out how we cater specifically to your requirements on 6744 3444.