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Über Bangladesherpatro.com
Bangladesherpatro.com is one of the oldest Bangla Online News Portal in Bangladesh. This online portal has started for real time news updates from 8 August 2014.
Bangladesherpatro.com (In Bengali : বাংলাদেশেরপত্র ডটকম) is one of the oldest Bangla Online News Portal in Bangladesh. This online portal has started for real time news updates from 8 August 2014. Its presents update & breaking news of home and abroad. it also present District news, entertainment, lifestyle, special reports, politics, economics, education, technology, health, sports and features are included. A powerfull team of Bangladesherpatro has been built with a group of country’s energetic young journalists. We are trying to build a bridge with Bengali’s around the world and adding a new dimension to online news portal. The home of materialistic news. Our real-time news coverage and interactive platform allow people to have their say, as news in the making affects them, too. Our online readers are not mere recipient of anything and everything on the go, but active content provider. We believe our audience wherever they are, at home or abroad is not merely silent observer of events; they are also participants and catalysts. As a fast information provider with accuracy, our highest standards of professionalism in journalism will be tested by you.

Geschäft in Dhaka, Bangladesch

Software-Unternehmen 32 Web-Entwicklung 22 IT-Unternehmen 15 Baudienstleistungen und -bedarf 13 Medien- und Nachrichtenunternehmen 11

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