What is acupuncture and how does it work? Acupuncture is a well-known ancient Chinese medicine-based method of treating various types of conditions. This treatment uses needles and triggers specific points on the skin. A licensed acupuncturist is required to implement this minimally invasive method and stimulate nerve-rich areas of our body. The goal is to influence the gland, tissues, organs, and other functions of the body to alleviate pain and promote natural self-healing.
Acupuncture can also help boost the immune system which is vital during this pandemic. So, essential care patients can now book for treatment starting from 28th of September until the full reopening of acupuncture services on October 26th.
Some restrictions have already been eased across Victoria since September 13. The nightly curfew has been moved from 8pm to 9 pm and public gatherings have been increased to 2 people meeting outdoors for a maximum of two hours.