CykleJab, a Miami Shores gym, is offering fitness classes combining two of the most popular modalities in fitness industry - Cycling and boxing. This two-in-one workout is a fusion of upper-body boxing and lower-body cycling into a 50-minute class. You’ll spend 40 minutes on the bikes and bags, and perform ten minutes of abdominal work to warm up and cool down.
CykleJab fused the two most popular modalities in the fitness industry. Experience Miami's most bang-for-your-buck workout. Expert coaches instruct and motivate the class. Our class setting, with special lights and club-like music installations, will automatically motivate you to perform at peak levels every time you take a class. Cykle with unique bikes. Our high-performance bikes enhance the workout experience and engage your core muscles better than any other stationary bike. The bike is designed to allow for side-to-side movement while in a stationary position, simulating an actual trail ride. This gives you that extra indoor cycling thrill. Box aqua punching bags. Punching bags filled with water absorb the repercussion of your punches. This helps to protect your joints, wrists, and fingers. Prolong your stamina on the bag and experience less risk of injury, making for a better workout experience.