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1683 U.S. 9; Ste 2 St. John's Plaza, 12065
MO geschlossen SA 11:00 – 21:00
DI 11:00 – 20:45 SO 11:00 – 21:00
MI 11:00 – 20:45
DO 11:00 – 20:45
FR 11:00 – 21:00
Über Eddy’s Traditional Chinese Cooking
Stil Essen
Dienstleistungen eines Restaurants
Lieferanten, Reservieren, Mitnahme, Walkins
Looking for a best Szechuan Cuisine in Clifton Park Center? Welcome to Eddy's Traditional Restaurant! We focus on providing healthy, fresh, and natural dishes to satisfy the modern customer’s tastes and needs. Our main specialty cuisines are Chinese , All of our dishes are made with only the freshest of ingredients of the highest quality to achieve the best flavors and presentation. Our main ingredients are fresh seafood, meats, and vegetables. Contact for more info.

Restaurant in Halfmoon, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

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