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Rua Manuel da Fonseca, Loja 6b, 1600-308
Über Fixando
We provide different proposals that users can compare and analyze to choose the professional that best suits their needs.
We make it easy to hire local services.

Fixando is an online platform providing the best professionals for all services! Tell us what you need, and we'll send you up to 5 professional proposals within 48 hours.

At Fixando, we help our users to carry out their projects, whether it is hiring an electrician, a remodeling professional, a catering service, a photographer, or an accountant. Here you will find qualified and trusted professionals to perform any type of service you need, including home services, events, wellness, classes, animals, and other services.

Fixando was founded in 2017 and currently operates in Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland.
- More than 50000 specialists
- Over 1200 services available
- Personalized quotes based on your needs
- No cost for placing orders
- Select the most suitable professional
- Evaluate the experience on the end result

Dienstleistungen in Lisbon, Portugal

Schönheitssalon 3 Unternehmensdienste 2 Architekt 2 Friseur 2 Marketingagentur 2

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