Über Flora no Fauna
We are Jen and Sarah, a couple of old friends on a journey to protect the planet and all the flora and fauna within it!
Our little store provides you with an abundance of plant-based food items, fresh fruit & veg, food refills, cleaning and cosmetic product refills, plastic free and zero waste products.
We hope that you pop into our store from 10am on Saturday 27th November in Bury, say hello, and be part of the change to save our planet.
By making small steps together, we can recycle old ideas to make a better future.
We are Jen and Sarah, a couple of old friends on a journey to protect the planet and all the flora and fauna within it.
Back in the day, when our parents went to their local shops, they only got what they needed. There were no plastic bags, milk came in glass bottles and we could earn a bob or two by taking our pop bottles back to the shop. When we flew the nest and did our own shopping; supermarkets were everywhere and to do the shopping like our parents once did was not an easy task. We wanted to revive this way of shopping and make it available to the people of Bury and beyond, and so, our sustainable refill store, Flora no Fauna, was born.
In response to the enormous amounts of waste we as a society are producing, we want to help and encourage everyone to do their bit. We all need to prevent any further damage being done to our precious planet.
Flora no Fauna is a sustainable refill store offering customers a zero waste shopping experience. We sell vegan and vegetarian, cruelty free, organic and ethically sourced products.
We encourage our customers to bring their own containers to fill up with products such as dried foods, cereals, fruit, nuts, vegan sweets, laundry liquids, shampoos and conditioners.
We also offer a range of organic and reusable household and personal care products such as wax melts and candles, feminine hygiene products, reusable makeup pads and much more.