In 2018 Jersey City, New Jersey was named the most ethnically diverse
city in the United States. Jersey City embraces its ethnic and culture
diversity as a symbol of a blended nation, sitting only a short
distance from Ellis Island and Lady Liberty herself.
Obstetrics is a specialized medical field that covers the time period
a woman is pregnant and the time leading up and including childbirth.
When the negligence of a healthcare of medical provider leads to
injuries or even death it is considered obstetrical malpractice.
An early cancer diagnosis can be the difference between life and
death. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a late stage or
end-of-life cancer due to the misdiagnosis or a missed diagnosis, you
likely have a case of malpractice on your hands and are owed
compensation for the potential life costing negligence of a healthcare
or medical provider.
The lawyers and legal staff at Prosmushkin&Tsirkin Trial Lawyers are
here to help. We have successfully represented medical malpractice
cases for over 30 years. We work with hospital administrators, medical
practices, and healthcare experts to compile a fact-based case that
shows fault. We make home and hospital visits to ensure our clients
aren’t limited in their access to representation. We operate 24/7 for
emergency situations. And our legal staff and attorneys are fluent in
several languages to ensure communication is never a barrier in your
city in the United States. Jersey City embraces its ethnic and culture
diversity as a symbol of a blended nation, sitting only a short
distance from Ellis Island and Lady Liberty herself.
Obstetrics is a specialized medical field that covers the time period
a woman is pregnant and the time leading up and including childbirth.
When the negligence of a healthcare of medical provider leads to
injuries or even death it is considered obstetrical malpractice.
An early cancer diagnosis can be the difference between life and
death. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a late stage or
end-of-life cancer due to the misdiagnosis or a missed diagnosis, you
likely have a case of malpractice on your hands and are owed
compensation for the potential life costing negligence of a healthcare
or medical provider.
The lawyers and legal staff at Prosmushkin&Tsirkin Trial Lawyers are
here to help. We have successfully represented medical malpractice
cases for over 30 years. We work with hospital administrators, medical
practices, and healthcare experts to compile a fact-based case that
shows fault. We make home and hospital visits to ensure our clients
aren’t limited in their access to representation. We operate 24/7 for
emergency situations. And our legal staff and attorneys are fluent in
several languages to ensure communication is never a barrier in your