Mini dental implants are one of the best methods of denture stabilization. Made from a special titanium alloy, dental implants have the role to secure various dental prostheses such as crowns and dentures. While the diameter of standard implants may vary between 4mm and 5mm (in exceptional cases, they can measure 3mm), mini implants have less than 3mm in diameter.
Mini dental implants offer a series of advantages worth taking into consideration by anyone needing dental prosthetic solutions. First of all, their price is about half the price of regular implants. This makes them more affordable to a wider range of patients. As they are smaller in size than regular implants, they are also considered less invasive. In most situations, these implants can be inserted directly into the jawbone, without the need for cutting an incision in the gum. The procedure requires nothing more than the use of a local anesthetic injected directly in the gum.
The other great advantage of mini dental implants is that they can accept prostheses immediately after getting inserted into the bone. On the contrary, regular implants require about three to six months healing time before the implant integrates with the bone tissue, and the dentist can proceed to fitting the dentures. In case of mini implants, the fitting of the dentures takes place immediately after the implant has been inserted. They can be used as replacement for one tooth or for or multiple missing teeth.
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