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A night guard, also known as a bite guard or a dental mouth guard are used at night to defend a person’s teeth, as well other vigorous structures simply by offering a shielding barrier in regards of the upper and lower portions of a person’s teeth.
Once again, what may be best for me in regards of a night guards could very well, be a horrid experience for you. Atlantic Dental Smile strives to make this experience easier. If your dentist doesn’t yet work with Atlantic Dental Smile, just ask!
A night guard, also known as a bite guard or a dental mouth guard are used at night to defend a person’s teeth, as well other vigorous structures simply by offering a shielding barrier in regards of the upper and lower portions of a person’s teeth.
Once again, what may be best for me in regards of a night guards could very well, be a horrid experience for you. Atlantic Dental Smile strives to make this experience easier. If your dentist doesn’t yet work with Atlantic Dental Smile, just ask!