We provide the official SMOG CHECK for all vehicles including trucks, SUVs and Gross Polluters using our cutting edge BAR-97 Emission Inspection System (EIS) required by the State of California. The inspection includes a visual, functional and tail-pipe emissions test. Certain vehicles emissions testing require the use of a dynometer for Acceleration Simulation Mode (ASM), or loaded-mode test.
We provide the official SMOG CHECK for all vehicles including trucks, SUVs and Gross Polluters using our cutting edge BAR-97 Emission Inspection System (EIS) required by the State of California. The inspection includes a visual, functional and tail-pipe emissions test. Certain vehicles emissions testing require the use of a dynamometer for Acceleration Simulation Mode (ASM), or loaded-mode test. The ASM simulates actual driving conditions and allows for more precise testing for CO, HC and NOx – the three most harmful pollutants emitted by motor vehicles.Star Smog Richmond