Welkom bij Praktijk Rozenhart, jouw plek voor welzijn en groei in De Meern, Utrecht. Ik ben hier om jou te begeleiden op je reis naar fysieke en mentale gezondheid en balans te vinden in je leven vanuit een holistisch perspectief. Of het nu gaat om lichamelijke pijnen, emotionele blokkades, angsten, of trauma's, ik bied op verschillende manieren hulp aan. Ontdek de kracht van Reiki behandelingen, verrijk je leven met mijn uitgebreide Reiki cursussen (1, 2, 3 A/B), en ervaar diepe ontspanning tijdens klankschaalconcerten en geleide meditaties. Ik ben tevens opgeleid tot HSP Kindercoach zodat ik kinderen en tieners die hooggevoelig en hoogsensitief zijn kan begeleiden en coachen.
Kom eems langs, je bent welkom en koffie en thee staan klaar.
Welcome to Praktijk Rozenhart, your place for wellness and growth in De Meern, Utrecht. I am here to guide you on your journey to physical and mental health and find balance in your life from a holistic perspective. Whether it is physical pains, emotional blockages, fears, or trauma, I offer help in a variety of ways. Discover the power of Reiki treatments, enrich your life with my comprehensive Reiki courses (1, 2, 3 A/B), and experience deep relaxation during singing bowl concerts and guided meditations. I am also trained as an HSP Children's Coach so that I can guide and coach children and teenagers who are highly sensitive and highly sensitive.
Stop by, you are welcome and coffee and tea are ready.
Kom eems langs, je bent welkom en koffie en thee staan klaar.
Welcome to Praktijk Rozenhart, your place for wellness and growth in De Meern, Utrecht. I am here to guide you on your journey to physical and mental health and find balance in your life from a holistic perspective. Whether it is physical pains, emotional blockages, fears, or trauma, I offer help in a variety of ways. Discover the power of Reiki treatments, enrich your life with my comprehensive Reiki courses (1, 2, 3 A/B), and experience deep relaxation during singing bowl concerts and guided meditations. I am also trained as an HSP Children's Coach so that I can guide and coach children and teenagers who are highly sensitive and highly sensitive.
Stop by, you are welcome and coffee and tea are ready.