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C-38 Hans Raj Gupta marg Greater Kailash 1 New Delhi 110048
Über skinroots-skin and hair transplant clinic in delhi
skinroots clinic is state of the art skin and hair transplant clinic founded by Dr Prakash khute, MD an AIIMS new delhi alumni. we provide complete skin and hair care and pioneer in hair transplant surgery, we are provide most advance and latest skin and hair treatments through cuting edge technologies we have most advance lasers for hair removal , pigmentation treatment acne and acne scar treatment. we do all dermatology consultations, aesthetic procedures like fillers botox lasers antiageing services hair restoration hair transplants, PR, laser hair removal , laser for pigmentation and skin brightening and lightening , Laser for facial rejuvenation laser for acne scars and scar removal, dermatosurgery like vitiligo and nail surgery.

Dienstleistungen in New Delhi, Indien

Unternehmensdienste 93 Pädagogischer Berater 67 Marketingagentur 53 Rechtsberatung 31 Innenarchitekt 24

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