If you love coffee as much as I do, then it’s a good thing you’re here. At The Million Dollar Coffee Company, you don’t just get the average everyday brew. I’ve partnered with a seasoned veteran coffee roaster that has been in the coffee business for over 40 years working with only the finest premium beans. These beans are special because this coffee is all about the well-being of women. In many coffee-producing regions of the world, women are often subjected to unfair and impoverished conditions, treated poorly by the male-dominated societies that take away their power and their voices. But these coffee beans come from the farms of Northern Peru where 464 women came together to change their roles and take back their power through coffee that is only produced by women for their own financial independence. That’s a story I can get behind! This is why with every bag of coffee you buy helps to support these independent/ self sufficient women and have a chance to create your own financial freedom with a million-dollar lottery ticket.