Payday loans are small cash short-term loans that are designed to cover immediate (and frequently emergency) expenses. They are censured a lot because of the high interest rates charged and the effect they have on borrowers in a long-term perspective.
Still, at the moment, despite the controversial nature, they represent a feasible alternative for borrowers with bad credit and/or limited options to get cash in an emergency situation.
Loans can be applied through usual brick-and-mortar lenders, online lenders or special apps.
Phone: 925-292-6850
3400 Cottage Way, Ste G2 #10158
Sacramento, CA 95825, United States
Payday loans are small cash short-term loans that are designed to cover immediate (and frequently emergency) expenses. They are censured a lot because of the high interest rates charged and the effect they have on borrowers in a long-term perspective.
Still, at the moment, despite the controversial nature, they represent a feasible alternative for borrowers with bad credit and/or limited options to get cash in an emergency situation.
Loans can be applied through usual brick-and-mortar lenders, online lenders or special apps.