Addiction detox treatment, opiate addiction, fast alcohol detox, alcohol treatment, stem cell treatment, PRP treatment, Pain management, drug addiction treatment, drug treatment implant, alcohol treatment implant, opiate treatment implant, immediate addiction ending, addiction services, drug dependence treatment, drug detox, alcohol detox, fast detox
We are a Medical Clinic that specialized in Accelerated Alcohol and Opiate Treatment and Detox. Using a small medical pellet, Sion Nobel, M.D. will implant the pellet and you will lose your cravings for Opiates and Alcohol in only a few hours. New medical breakthrough. Proven successful, life changing results, painless, medical procedure out-patient completed in the doctors office in less that 15 minutes. We also use Stem Cells or PRP to end your pain, accelerated process in most cases pain relief in a few hours to a day or two. We stop the pain, detox you off the pain pills, complete the implant and your are clean and ready to go forward with a better life for you, your family and job. Totally anonymous, NO twenty eight days stay at a treatment center or 10 days in the hospital detoxing, with our medical program you are never away from your family, friends and job. We do the implant and you return to work the same day. No one knows but you. We are the ONLY clinic in the Western Hemisphere that offers Stem Cell/PRP treatment to end pain followed with our proprietary implant that stops the cravings that lead to addiction. End the pain, end the pain pills, end the insanity.