A great advertising agency that will provide the best type of IT Support for a company to create a marketing strategy. We create an opportunity to make a profit and make them more valuable. ISHATECH Advertising established in 2005 as part of the international communication in Bangladesh. Ishatech Advertising is My great industry for Advertising & Communication. We have Qualities that expect All high commercial Companies. We take to order All kinds of Events works & companies advertising. Delivered a great opportunity.
Our mission is to produce and provide quality & innovative printings for clients, maintain stringently ethical standards in business operation also ensuring benefit to the employees and society at large. Something more different.
Something more creative.
Something more outstanding.
Something more professional.
We view business as a means to the material and social well being of the owners, employees and the society at large, leading to accretion of wealth through financial and moral gains as a part of the process of human civilization.
>A Great Advertising Agency That Will Provide Best Type Of Advertising Support For a Company to Create a Marketing Strategy. We Create an Opportunity to Make a Profit and Make more Valuable.
>We are an advertising agency located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We provide the best opportunity in our country for any kind of company branding and other solution.
1.Digital Advertising
2.Brand Branding
3.Digital Printing & Press Printing
4.Neon & LED Sign
5.Event Organize & Management.
We Also Provide All Kind of Services Like :
#BillBoard #DigitalBoard #SteelBoard #LocalBoard #StandBoard #NonlitBoard #ProjectBoard #BacklitBoard #LightingBoard #UnipoolBoard #TryVisionBoard #PassengerBoard #AluminiumBoard
#ProjectBoundary #LEDSign #ProfileBox #LightingBoard #LEDBataModel #AcrylicHighLetter #BellSign #PolySign #NeonSign #ShopSign #MetalSign #PlasticSign #SSLetter #MSLetter #AcrylicLetter
#DigitalMovingDisplay #ACPBoard #OffCutLetter&Board #PVCPrint #3DStickerPrint #ClothPrint #ScreenPrint #PanaflexPrint #PanaflexReversePrint #DigitalAutoPanaflexReversePrint #ReflectivePVCPrint #ReflectiveStickerPrint #InkjetStickerPrintwithGlossyMatteLamination
#ClearMediawithGlossyMattePrint #VinylStickerPrint #VinylStickerCutting #FrostedStickerPrint #OneWayVisionStickerPrint #BannerPrint #FestoonPrint #MediaServices #HandWriting #WallWritingArt
Address: 04-B/A, (2nd Floor), Mazar Road, Mirpur-1, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1216.
Phone: +8801844542499/ +8801844542498
Email: info@ishatechadvertising.com
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ishatechlimited
>We offer our best opportunity below the category.
1. Advertising & Branding
2. LED Display Board & LED Sign & Neon Sign
3. Event Management
4. Digital Printing & Press Printing Solution.
>For More Information:
>Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/Ishatechadvertising
>Linkedin Page: www.linkedin.com/company/ishatechlimited
>Website: www.ishatechadvertising.com
>Thanks By
>Josna Khan
>Chief Executive Officer
>IshaTech Advertising
>Mobile: 01844-542 498
>Corporate Office: 04-B/A, (2nd Floor), Mazar Road, Mirpur-1, Dhaka.
Founded By Ishatech Advertising Team
PVC Billboard Road side, LED Billboard Road side, Rent or making or Full setup whole Bangladesh, Minimum Quantity 600+ square feet or Pices
Wall writing Rent or making or Full setup whole Bangladesh, Minimum Quantity 100+ square feet or Pieces
PVC Billboard Rent or making or Full setup whole Bangladesh, Minimum Quantity 100+ square feet or Pieces
Acrylic Letter Signboard, SS Letter Sign, SS with Acrylic Combined Letter Sign, Ambush Letter Sign, ACP Signage & Branding, Metal Sign, Neon Sign, Backlit Signboard, Frontlit Signboard, Indoor & Outdoor Name Plate, Bell Sign, Stand Sign, POP Item, Shop or Office Branding
Rent or making or Full setup whole Bangladesh Minimum Quantity 100+ square feet or Pieces
Neon Signboard Rent or making or Full setup whole Bangladesh, Minimum Quantity 100+ square feet or Pieces
Pena LightBox Rent or making or Full setup whole Bangladesh, Minimum Quantity 100+ square feet or Pieces
ECO Print PVC, Vinyl, Inject, Reflective, Oneway vision, Vinyl Cutting sticker Rent or making or Full setup whole Bangladesh, Minimum Quantity 100+ square feet
Office Corporate Gift Items:
Wall Clock, Pen, Money Bag, Key Ring, Leather Goods, Cap, Polo T-shirt, Mug, Crest, Umbrella, Corporate Gift Box, ID Card Belt, Executive Bag, Leather Bag, Boishak Gift Box, Ramadan Gift Box, Company Anniversary gift, Minimum Quantity 100+ square feet or Pieces
Morich Bati Lighting service
Sound system rent service
TVC- Television Advertisement Making & Idea Generate
RDC- Radio Advertisement Making & Idea Generate
Digital Marketing Solution- Google AD, Youtube AD, Facebook AD, SEO, Alexa Ranking Generate & More
TV Advertisement Bangladesh all Channel
Radio Advertisement Bangladesh all News Paper
What’s up, Viber, Imo, What’s call, FB messenger, Duo, Hangout, We Chat
Police booth
Advertising service
Outdoor advertising
Brand Promotion
Mobile vans advertisement service
Neon sign advertising
Digital advertising services
Newspaper classified advertisement