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56 North View Road, Alexandra Palace, N8 7LL
Work hours
MO 06:00 – 22:00 SA 06:00 – 22:00
TU 06:00 – 22:00 SU 06:00 – 22:00
WE 06:00 – 22:00
TH 06:00 – 22:00
FR 06:00 – 22:00
About Johanna Green Health & Fitness in North London
Outdoor Fitness Classes and Nordic Walking Groups in North London at Alexandra Palace Park.
Johanna Green Health & Fitness run Bootcamp Fitness Classes, Nordic Walking Groups, Adventure Walking Groups and offer Indoor & Outdoor Personal Training for individuals and small groups.
Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or just getting started, whether you want to improve your overall health and fitness or you have a specific goal in mind: a running or obstacle course event, a walking holiday, getting back into shape or recovering from a recent injury, Johanna Green’s Health & Outdoor Fitness Classes in North London are for you.

Exercise at your pace in classes & groups designed for all fitness levels from beginners to those who have been active all of their life. With so many different styles of Outdoor Fitness Classes to choose from.

Exercising outdoors is a fun and invigorating way to take your health & fitness to the next level. Outdoors is more adventurous, with an even greater sense of achievement.

Change of scenery – seasons, colours, flowers, trees, lush green grass, blossom, views of London, the Heron and ducks, clear blue skies, stormy or moody skies, atmospheric moonlight, sunsets, sunrises….. all manner of flora and fauna, not to be seen in a gym!

Studies show benefits to activity outdoors due to enhanced stimulation of the body’s ‘feel good’ and ‘calming’ hormones.

Feel completely comfortable and supported. All Bootcamp Classes and Nordic Walking Groups are designed in such a way that no one is ‘left behind’.

Johanna Green and her team of fitness professionals ensure that as well as getting a good whole body workout and feeling great after the class, the classes are friendly, supportive and inclusive. The instructors are knowledgeable, personable and well qualified to coach and motivate you to better health and fitness.

Whatever your skill or motivation for fitness, everyone matters and exercises are suitably adapted for you.

The Bootcamp Fitness Classes & Nordic Walking Groups run several times throughout the week and run throughout the year, spring, summer, autumn & winter ... rain or shine (or snow!).

If you are not sure about whether exercise outdoors is for you then you can try before you buy with the fre
Johanna Green
Bootcamp exercise classes
Nordic Walking Classes
Walking groups
Outdoor personal training

Education in London, United Kingdom

Educational Organization 59 Personal Trainer 34 Driving School 26 Tutor/Teacher 22 Local Education 20

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