Teczowa 20, 53-602 Wroclaw
Our service www.wlacznikidotykowe.pl is online service where You watch most popular and advance options of glass - touch switches and smart home system in Poland.
Thanks to large expierience and acces to premium products we are able to install advance
Leed enlightment or smart home system that allow You to have at home:
⦁ modern and advanced lightining system,
⦁ zone based thermostats,
⦁ automated door locks,
⦁ advanced security cams,
⦁ interior monitor cameras,
⦁ possibility of controling devices via remote controllers,
Our emloyees can watch Your interior and advice which solutions will be affordable for You. Don't have anymore to be fluent in IT and electronics. Our company will also install all devices (additional service).
Sample works and company portfolio available at our company website.
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