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135 Vanderbilt Avenue Staten Island, NY 10304
Work hours
MO 09:00 – 09:00 SA 09:00 – 09:00
TU 09:00 – 09:00 SU 09:00 – 09:00
WE 09:00 – 09:00
TH 09:00 – 09:00
FR 09:00 – 09:00
About Rehab Center
In our state-of-the-art Rehab Solarium, patients and residents actively participate in multidisciplinary therapy programs. We are committed to providing the best physical rehabilitation services anywhere.

The most common conditions treated in our Rehab Unit are: Stroke, Hip Fractures, Joint Replacement, Arthritis & Neurological Disorders, Parkinson'sDiseas& Multiple Sclerosis
Our intensive Rehab Regimen is specifically geared for those recently discharged from the hospital in need of intensive physical and/or occupational therapy, and who intend to return home as soon as possible.

Our one-of-a-kind staff works closely with each resident and family to ensure an easy transition back to the community.
Rehab center, skilled nursing facility, Elderly Care, Ventilator and Respiratory Rehab, Cardiac Rehab, retirement home, nursing home, Staten Island, NY

Health & Medicine in Staten Island, United States

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