Arizona's Best Legal Resource
Perfection in customer service in the service of process field for our clients.
Treating every client as our primary client and effect perfection throughout the entire service of process.
Serve Monsters is able to offer exceptional service at a reduced cost in Phoenix, and in every other city in Maricopa County.
The level of care that Serve Monsters and its process servers provides to its customers is the best in the service of process industry. When you hire Serve Monsters, you hire perfection.
Do you need to have papers served in the Phoenix, AZ, area? You've contacted one of the best legal resources available to deliver your legal documents professionally and on time. From beginning to end our staff is at one's disposal to accommodate your specific instructions and give the support your case needs. Serve Monsters delivers legal documents for attorneys, out-of-state legal offices, and individuals throughout Phoenix, Arizona, with a professional approach to serving process. With over 20 years of experience, trust that your service of process is in good hands.
Serve Monsters has a roster of all star caliber process servers serving all types of legal papers 7 days a week at all hours. Our process servers are accessible to serve your legal documents on a moments notice.
When you take someone to court for any reason, you must formally deliver a set of the courts documents to the other party. This is required by "due process". Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. In regards to service of process, it's the initial party to a lawsuit serving the other party (such as a defendant) to provide actual notice of a pending legal action to that individual or entity so the court has the power to enter appropriate orders effecting their rights, duties and obligations in that matter.
As the filing party, even if a process server, you cannot deliver the papers yourself in Phoenix, Arizona. Even if you could, why would you want to come face to face with a soon-to-be ex-spouse or someone who harmed you? Hire a process server to deliver the documents for you.
A process server delivers the legal documents to the defendant in a timely manner so the defendant has time to prepare for the case and respond to the court if necessary.
Nobody likes to be taken to court, so people may try to e