After discovering the effectiveness of using our senses to help regulate and balance our bodies and minds, Barbie and Christi co-founded Simply Be Well. They came to the conclusion that using the body as a resource was the most efficient way to aid clients in recovering from their challenges as Somatic Psychotherapists who specialize in trauma recovery and who have received training in numerous researched-based and trauma-informed practices. We have faith in the strength of going back to a simpler, more tranquil time. Our bodies and minds carry the load of the ongoing stress brought on by the ever-changing nature of our existence. We currently live in a time when the daily grind defines us and we fear stillness due to its potential for inactivity. We fail to understand that receiving is a crucial component of leading fulfilling lives because we are scared of the act of "doing nothing." At Simply Be Well, we're dedicated to providing people with sensory options that can reduce stress and promote overall wellbeing. Our goal is to assist people in using all of their innate healing abilities.