SpyFly provides complete background check service, making it fast, easy, and safe for people to find and learn the truth about anyone. We aggregate billions of public records into a single, easy to use interface and manage the information for you with cutting edge technology. In addition, SpyFly provides personal protection tools to keep you and your family safe from sexual predators and other criminals.
SpyFly was founded with the mission of making it safe and easy for people to find and learn the truth about each other.
SpyFly provides public records search about yourself, friends, family, and associates that Google can't show you.
By providing our members fast, easy and affordable access to public records, members can quickly make informed decisions about individuals they interact with. Historically, access to public records was difficult to obtain – that’s where SpyFly comes in.
SpyFly levels the playing field by utilizing cutting edge technology to provide its members with the most complete background information available.
arrest records,public arrest records