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790 Eubanks Dr, Vacaville, CA 95688
About Wunder-Mold
790 Eubanks Dr, Vacaville, CA 95688

Phone: (707) 448-2349


Payment Method : Cash/checks

Hours :
Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 3:00 pm


Wunder-Mold Inc is a renowned injection molding company, specializing in the molding and processing of ceramic materials as well as thermoplastic parts. Founded in 1996, Wunder-Mold has the tradition and expertise that guarantee quality. The company serves U.S. and international customers, and services a range of industries: medical, electronics, automotive, filtration, energy, and many more. The company received the ISO 9000 certification in 2006. Wunder-Mold is always striving to lower the overall part costs while increasing part quality.

ceramic injection molding, injection molding ceramics, ceramic mold companies, plasting injection molding company

Services in Vacaville, United States

Plumber 5 Automotive Service 4 Cleaning Service 3 Home Improvement Service 3 Business Service 2

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