ADAM TURMAN is an artist, muralist, and screen printer, from Minneapolis, MN. Adam’s murals can be found throughout the Midwest and his screen prints are in private collections worldwide. He works with major brands, independent businesses, and private collectors to make art part of our everyday.
Approaching projects from a graphic design perspective, Adam connects with art lovers through his collection of colorful art screen prints and creates commissioned pieces in the form of illustrations, promotional campaigns, screen-printed art prints, murals, and paintings. Clients use his work to advertise events, connect with local audiences, and celebrate their organizations. He has worked with businesses like Indian Motorcycles, Polaris, Major League Baseball, The Minnesota Twins, Target, Minnesota United, Sierra Nevada Brewing, Fidelity Investments, X Games, SPAM/Hormel, Red Bull, and the Children’s Hospitals of Minnesota, just to name a few.
Colorful Art Screen Prints, Illustrations, Murals, Paintings, and Custom Projects.