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‎20706 Clarendon St, 91367
Horarios de atencion
LU 12:00 – 23:45 SA 12:00 – 23:45
MA 12:00 – 23:45 DO Cerrado
MI 12:00 – 23:45
JU 12:00 – 23:45
VI 12:00 – 23:45
Quienes All American Detox
All American Detox is the leading residential drug rehab for those seeking a safe and effective way to break the cycle of addiction. Our professional staff are dedicated to providing personalized, evidence-based, and holistic treatment programs designed to meet your individual needs. With our 24/7 support system, you can rest assured that we will be with you every step of the way during your journey towards recovery. Get help today and let us help you get back on the path to a healthier, happier life.

Salud y medicina en Woodland Hills, Estados Unidos

Servicio de salud mental 7 Centro de tratamiento de adicciones 6 Dentista 5 Medicina y salud 4 Servicio de cuidados en el hogar 4

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