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Galati, Romania, 800379
You often hear about those spectacular stories of companies who came up with their great job offers and no matter your qualification, the job is for you. Not us! You even know stories of companies who sent thousands of people abroad and they don’t even remember their names. Not us either!

Deseori auzi acele povesti spectaculoase ale companiilor care iti ofera locuri de munca si indiferent de calificarea ta, job-ul este pentru tine. Nu noi! Stii chiar povestile companiilor care trimit mii de oameni sa lucreze in strainatate si nici nu isi amintesc numele lor. Dar nu noi!
We create bridges between employers looking for the candidates which fulfill their expectations and people looking to work abroad safe and with tailor-made contracts adapted to their skills and needs.

Noi punem in legatura angajatorii care sunt in cautarea candidatilor ce le indeplinesc asteptarile, cu candidati care cauta un loc de munca sigur in strainatate, de incredere si cu contracte adaptate nevoilor si abilitatilor fiecaruia.
We started this company for you as an international partner whose mission is to connect employers from Europe with the best talents.

Am creat acesta companie ca un partener international pentru tine, a carui misiune este de a conecta angajatori din Europa cu specialistii romani.

Servicios en Galati, Rumania

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