Marvel Medtech Advanced Manufacturing offers high-precision 3D printing / Additive Manufacturing (AM) of advanced ceramics for medical and other technical ceramics applications as a subcontract manufacturer / service bureau.
Marvel Medtech Advanced Manufacturing offers contract manufacturing services for high-precision 3D printing (3DP)/Additive Manufacturing (AM) of advanced ceramics for medical and other technical ceramics applications. We feature AM of zirconia (TZ-3Y) and high-purity (99.9+%) alumina ceramic materials, and we can meet your needs from rapid prototyping to recurring production, or anything in-between. We offer the XJet Nano-Particle Jetting (NPJ) 3D printing (3DP)/Additive Manufacturing (AM) process. XJet NPJ technology offers an unprecedented level of accuracy, precision, and flexibility, enabling AM of parts with complex geometries and intricate internal details--with feature sizes under 100 microns--that are not achievable with any other ceramics manufacturing approach.
Ceramics Additive Manufacturing