Terrified of losing everything you have ever worked for because of a drug arrest? Top-Rated Nebraska Drug Attorney, Stockmann Law has a proven track record in all criminal defense for over 20 years. We defend people who were unlawfully targeted and charged with drug offenses when travelling across Nebraska Interstates. FREE Case Evaluation. Call (402) 884-1031.
The team at Stockmann Law has successfully handled criminal defense cases in almost every county in Nebraska. If you or someone you know has been charged with a marijuana-related offence in the state of Nebraska, the Stockmann Law team can help. Stockmann Law handles cases related to:
-Traffic stops
-Canine drug searches
-Interstate drug trafficking
-Interstate drug stops
If you or someone you know is in need of a criminal defense attorney, you can trust the team at Stockmann Law to help. For a free case eva luation, call Stockmann Law now at: (402) 884-1031.