Modern work environments are continually changing, and with this comes the increased potential of risk, harm, and even fatality from workplace health and safety issues. Not only can these have tragic consequences for your employees and affect business performance, they can expose your business to significant legal liability and penalties if they occur.
RGC AUST works to assist your organisation with meeting its WHS objectives and legal obligations through efficient and effective management of front and back end WHS processes. With over 20 years of experience, we’ve advised both public and private sector organisations on WHS strategic projects and issues, and have worked across a broad range of industries including defence, aviation, environment, mining, oil and gas and construction.
RGC AUST works to assist your organisation with meeting its WHS objectives and legal obligations through efficient and effective management of front and back end WHS processes. With over 20 years of experience, we’ve advised both public and private sector organisations on WHS strategic projects and issues, and have worked across a broad range of industries including defence, aviation, environment, mining, oil and gas and construction.