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PO Box 420352, San Diego, CA 92142
Horarios de atencion
LU 10:00 – 06:00 SA 10:00 – 06:00
MA 10:00 – 06:00 DO Cerrado
MI 10:00 – 06:00
JU 10:00 – 06:00
VI 10:00 – 06:00
Quienes Uke Like The Pros
Begin your journey of Music with Terry, a professional musician with 25 years of experience in teaching Ukulele. His one on one coaching session is worth attending. So start your learning with him at Uke Like The Pros.
"Ukulele is an instrument that is fast gaining popularity among the current generation of musicians. There are numerous ways one can learn to play music on a Ukulele. But one of best resources for learning how to master the art of playing the ukulele is through-Uke Like The Pros.
Uke Like The Pros offers online tutorials for playing the ukulele. It was founded by Terry Carter a leading ukulele instructor. He provides a structured online training to his students. Taking online coaching from Uke like The pros enables a Ukulele player to gain confidence. After a student attends the complete training program he is capable of playing ukulele like a pro.

Educación en San Diego, Estados Unidos

Organización educativa 4 Preescolar 4 Educación física 3 Escuela de enseñanza y clases de música 3 Entrenador personal 3

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