Territories, committed to providing customers with better services. With the rapid development of Aishi's
continuous sales business, the number of Aishi VIP members has increased correspondingly, with more than
100,000 members.
13 Hok Yuen Street, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
G/F Shop 59-60,84 Beverley Comm. Centre, 87 Chatham Road South, Tsimshatsui
Room 01, 21/F, Prosper Commercial Buliding, 9 Yin Chong Street, Kowloon, 999077 Hong Kong
Flat 3, 13/F, Jade Mansion
No.213 Temple Street, Jordon
3/F, No.213 Temple Street, Jordon, Kowloon, Hong Kong
North Point, Hong Kong
香港九龍旺角彌敦道750號始創商埸G17號鋪 Hong kong , Hong kong 00000, Hong Kong, 00000, Hong Kong
Braemar Hill Mansion, 31 Braemar Hill Road, Block 9, 9/F, Room A, North Point, Hong Kong
26/F Two Harbour Square, 180 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Unit 10, 2/F, Block A, Hoi Luen Ind. Ctr, 55 Hoi Yuen Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
RM 1502, Easey Commercial Building 253~261 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai Hong Kong China
Flat/Rm A 12/F Zj 300300 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
Unit 1502, 15th Floor, The Center, 99 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
13 Tonkin Street West Victoria New Territories
Floor 19, Block A, Building 8, Shenzhen International Innovation Valley Phase III, Dashi 1st Road,
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