Dr. Gionis is a current active practicing Physician and Surgeon (for 41 years), and is a United States Fulbright Scholar in Law, former United States Fulbright PEER Review Committee Member (Global-Public Health), and has served as a two-time recipient as UCLA Visiting Scholar in Public Health, Division of Healthcare Management and Policy, UCLA School of Public Health.
He has been recognized as being the youngest individual in the United States to be awarded the M.D. degree, having completed three and one-half years of college in one year, starting medical school at 17, and being awarded the M.D. degree at 21 years of age. Dr. Gionis is licensed to practice medicine and
surgery in the States of California, Florida and New York. He also serves as President and Chairman of the Fulbright Academy of Law, Peace and Public Health, and its Institutional Review Board (IRB)
(; an IRB which is registered with both the United States Department of Health, Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP), and the United States F.D.A.
Honors & Awards
A. United States Fulbright Scholar in Law, United States Fulbright Senior Specialist Program (Czech Republic) - 2003
B. United States Fulbright PEER Review Committee Member/ Global-Public Health United States Fulbright Senior Specialist Program - 2007-2012
C. Visiting Scholar in Public Health, UCLA School of Public Health - 2009
D. Visiting Scholar in Public Health, UCLA School of Public Health - 2012
E. Research Fellow Department of Emergency Medicine, Harvard University - Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) - 2002