For your emergency, you can count on our rapid and professional team.
Services offered by DRAIN DANCAR :
*Unblocking drains and sewers
*Gainage (sewer pipe lining), trenchless - No dig
*Residential sewer replacement
*Main water line/entry replacement
*Camera inspections
*Determining sewer location
*Installation or replacement of French drains
*Expertise reports
CMMTQ Master plumber - APCHQ accredited - ChAD instructor - GUS member
(514) 352-8222
Pour toute urgence, vous pouvez compter sur notre équipe rapide et professionnelle.
Services offerts par DRAIN DANCAR:
•Débouchage de drains et égouts
•Gainage 'sans tranchée / sans excavation'
•remplacement d'égout et entrée d'eau par excavation
•inspection par caméra
•localisation d'égout
•installation ou remplacement de drain français
•rapport d'expertise
CMMTQ maître plombier - accrédité APCHQ - formateur ChAD - membre GUS
(514) 352-8222
Pour plus de détails sur le Gainage, svp visiter notre site web :
Mr. Giovanni from DRAIN DANCAR has been working in the plumbing sector for over 30 years. He has achieved an expertise in the industry and is sought-after by insurance companies and industry leaders for his expertise and vast knowledge in the field. Mr. Giovanni is a recognized master plumber from the CMMTQ, APCHQ accredited, a ChAD (Chambre de l'assurance de dommages) instructor as well as being a member of GUS (Groupe Urgence Sinistre).