À propos Science Of Fortune
Science of fortune is the best selling numerology book, latest numerology book ever written by Indian author Pandit Sethuraman & the complete book of numerology.
Pandit Sethuraman was a famous numerology specialist born on the 31st May, 1925. He had his education in Tiruchirapalli, India. He joined the Defence Services in India, then under the British crown at an young age during the World War II. He quickly rose to an enviable position by his sheer hard work and sharp intellect.
His research-oriented mind together with his interest in occult sciences helped him analyse the lives of hundreds of soldiers in his unit, their victories and defeats or deaths. It was then that he discovered a definite pattern of events in human lives which corresponded to their dates of birth and names.
This revelation changed the course of his life. He realised that he was born for a mission that would help the humanity. Spurred on by the wisdom that dawned on him, he decided to pursue his avowed mission of helping people through the science called Numerology. He resigned his job forgoing a high status and salary and followingly, in 1954, published his all- time best seller of The Complete Book Of Numerology, “ADHISTA VINGYANAM” ( SCIENCE OF FORTUNE ) in Tamil. The book was an instant success all over the world. Interestingly, the publication of this book was never advertised or its sale promoted in anyway. The readers who read the book and were benefited by it spread the message it contained and the demand for this extra-ordinary book on Numerology grew in leaps and bounds. That is the secret of success of the original work in Tamil which played an important role in the lives of multitudes of people all over the world.
After publishing the thirteenth edition (Tamil) in 1997 while in the peak of his fame, numerologist Pandit Sethuraman passed away. But the legacy continues and the Pandit’s son and disciple, V.S. Guruswamy has brought out the editions in English, Telugu, Hindi and also Chinese for the benefit of global readers in the year 2003. The English version itself has seen its tenth edition and to suit the modern minds, the eBook version
Some educate and some others elevate them. This book on the subject of numerology based on the research done with Chaldean system of numbers entitled “SCIENCE OF FORTUNE” does everything and is an invaluable guide! It is the brainchild of the author who may be truly called Father of Numerology in this part of the world. It’s Tamil edition “ADHISTA VINGYANAM”, when first published in 1954 by famous numerology specialist Pandit Sethuraman created a lot of sensation all over the world. It’s the best selling numerology book and latest numerology book ever written by Pandit Sethuraman. It was best selling numerology book in 19th century reprinted twenty six times until 2013 without any publicity or promotion. That time period “Adhista vingyanam” is the best book on numerology written by Indian author. The same work has been translated into English as “Science Of Fortune” by Pandit’s son and disciple Sri.V.S.Guruswamy who himself is a numerologist of world renown. He also added some interesting chapters and illustrations. The English version was brought out in the year 2003 has a complete book of numerology and it has sold fifteen editions until 2017 without any publicity and only by word of mouth of the readers. Based on several years of intensive study and research into the mysterious but astounding role the numbers play in human lives, the author discovered a definite pattern of events which correspond to their dates of birth and names. First time in the history of predictive sciences in the world, only Pandit Sethuraman gave readings beyond the number 52 and up to 108 having based the interpretations on the wide array of ancient scriptural and spiritual works in his possession. He explains in the book how people should have spellings of their names and arrangement of letters as per their dates of birth. He also gives exhaustive suggestions regarding the secrets of perfect timing of activities to improve one’s fortune. He asserts that keeping names in harmony with the
Best Numerology Books, Best Numerology Book Ever Written, The Complete Book Of Numerology, Best Selling Numerology Books, Best Book On Numerology By Indian Author, Buy The Complete Book Of Numerology