F45 Training Torquay is the best place if you are looking for Personal Training in Torquay - Jan Juc. Our specially designed workouts provide a full-body, functional training experience that will boost your energy levels, enhance your metabolic rate, and improve your strength and endurance. But it's not just about the physical benefits. At F45 Training Torquay, we believe in the power of community and a no-ego attitude. Our team mentality will support you in transforming your lifestyle both physically and mentally while fostering a sense of belonging and growth within our community. With F45, you'll enjoy one of the most time-efficient workouts around. Our 45-minute sessions are designed to burn up to 750 calories, giving you maximum results in a short amount of time. And when it comes to weight management, nutrition plays a crucial role. That's why we provide all our members with a free personal nutrition program. With daily meal plans, tracking tools, and support from our community, you'll have everything you need to achieve