Grazel Garcia is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in Atwater Village, Los Angeles. California LMFT License #97561. Her specializations include Emotional Focused Therapy for couples (EFT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Seeking Safety (used for PTSD and addiction) and Mindfulness Meditation. She’s also a LGBTQI Affirmative therapist and Domestic Violence certified analyst.
Grazel provides a empathic, non-judgmental therapeutic environment for couples to feel comfortable and work together to reach a solution. Although she specializes in treating couples, specially interracial and LGBTQ couples, she also treats individuals and families; from children and teens to adults aged 18-70 years old.
Grazel provides a empathic, non-judgmental therapeutic environment for couples to feel comfortable and work together to reach a solution. Although she specializes in treating couples, specially interracial and LGBTQ couples, she also treats individuals and families; from children and teens to adults aged 18-70 years old.