Karasik Law Group is a full service, boutique litigation law firm. Our attorneys are a dynamic force in any conference room, as well as the courtroom. Dedicated to strive for perfection, we have obtained successful verdicts and have negotiated million dollar settlements for our clients in personal injury litigation, medical malpractice and business matters. We are proud of our commendable overall success rate in litigation across multiple disciplines of law.
Our firm philosophy is simple: We don’t just handle cases, we build relationships; one happy client at a time. The success of our firm comes from our belief that our clients come first, always. We seek to provide our clients with legal counseling of the highest caliber. To do this, we start our analysis backwards: we start from our clients’ end-goals. Once we know where we are going, we are determined to find a way to get there. And often times, we find the path.
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