If you’re going to shell out big bucks for a fancy dinner, you want your food to be prepared flawlessly. When it comes to steak, though, there are often differences in opinion about what the “perfect” preparation is. Everyone has different preferences about how well done they would like their meat to be cooked.
Most high-end steak chefs and connoisseurs agree that the worst mistake you can make when it comes to cooking red meat is to overcook it. Overcooked steak tends to be tough, chewy, and devoid of tenderness. In fact, you’re likely to see any estimable waiter at a quality steakhouse cringe at the sound of the words “well done”.
Most high-end steak chefs and connoisseurs agree that the worst mistake you can make when it comes to cooking red meat is to overcook it. Overcooked steak tends to be tough, chewy, and devoid of tenderness. In fact, you’re likely to see any estimable waiter at a quality steakhouse cringe at the sound of the words “well done”.