Purba Dwarakapur Moon Star Sangha was started in the year 2003 under the leadership of Bibekananda Bag a son of the soil, to motivate the other youths of the locality to provide services for the community people specially for the poor and marginalized for upgradation of quality of life through different activities and to address the emerging issues in the socio economic and cultural context.
It has concentrated on education, health & hygiene, livelihood enhancement entrepreneurship program, environment, women & child care as also program for the handicapped people. The organization has gained experiences of working with SFR, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India, Department of Sports & Youth services, Sports wing, Govt. of West Bengal.
It has concentrated on education, health & hygiene, livelihood enhancement entrepreneurship program, environment, women & child care as also program for the handicapped people. The organization has gained experiences of working with SFR, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India, Department of Sports & Youth services, Sports wing, Govt. of West Bengal.