Stress manifests itself in many ways in our lives, physically, mentally and emotionally. Take a break and give Reflexion a call. Your pain and stress reduction will amaze you. Reflexion’s goal is to optimize your health. Try one or all three of our services for optimum health benefits. House calls for reflexology are available for those who are house-bound or unable to travel. None of the modalities we provide are intended to diagnose, treat, cure any disease or replace the advice of a medical doctor but are to be used to support optimal health and wellness.
50miles, Circulation Treatment, Cleanse The Body Of Impurities, Ease Aches, Energy Treatment, Energy Work, Enhance Your Sense Of Well Being, Holistic Health Care, Improve Circulation, Pains And Discomfort, Promote Better Digestion, Promote Deep Relaxation, Provide Better Quality Of Sleep, Reflexology, Relieve Allergy Symptoms, Relieve Stress And Tension, Rieki Treatment, Global Optimization Solutions
50miles, Circulation Treatment, Cleanse The Body Of Impurities, Ease Aches, Energy Treatment, Energy Work, Enhance Your Sense Of Well Being, Holistic Health Care, Improve Circulation, Pains And Discomfort, Promote Better Digestion, Promote Deep Relaxation, Provide Better Quality Of Sleep, Reflexology, Relieve Allergy Symptoms, Relieve Stress And Tension, Rieki Treatment, Global Optimization Solutions