Your path to health starts at Nashville Upper Cervical You have only one spine. Keep it healthy and strong with chiropractic care. Our team is committed to providing the most effective health care solutions
Our Nashville team is dedicated to helping people. We gather each morning before our first appointment and go through the schedule of patients for the day. We talk about who’s coming in, how he or she is progressing, and how we can better serve each patient. We, at Nashville Upper Cervical Spine Center, have one goal for each person that walks into our office and that is to make his or her life better.
Everyone in our Nashville office has had his or her life dramatically improved by upper cervical care. We not only teach what we practice, but we also live it. We all get checked and adjusted on a regular basis so we can be at our best when providing upper cervical care to our patients in the different Areas We Serve.
Dr. Hill’s love for seeing people healed through chiropractic began growing in him as a child. Dr. Hill had the privilege of growing up in Brazil with his dad who was a chiropractor and his family as chiropractic missionaries. Since then his love for seeing people healed has developed into his life’s passion.
Realizing that this was his calling, Dr. Hill spent 3 1/2 years outside of school while simultaneously earning his doctorate making sure that he learned as much as he could to ensure that he could provide the best care possible to his patients. Dr. Hill specializes alongside a group of small but distinguished doctors who practice upper cervical care as their chosen area of expertise. Dr. Hill's specialties include helping each person individually, specifically to their own needs including those who have been told that there is no hope to gain their life back through upper cervical chiropractic.