Therapeutic medical massage therapy helps get out of back, neck, sciatica and shoulder pain long term. pain management without surgery or drugs,
Therapeutic Medical Massage Therapist specializing in massage modality called Structural Energetic Therapy, (and is all I do) which integrates cranial/structural techniques with soft tissue protocols and stabilizes structural imbalances responsible for over 90 % of painful symptoms throughout the body. In my opinion it is the most effective
long term rehabilitation from pain there is today. There is a lot of noise out there today about what can help and what cant help. What I can truthfully say is this type of bodywork is successful in achieving tangible results in 70 % of clients I treat.
Therapeutic Medical Massage Therapist specializing in massage modality called Structural Energetic Therapy, (and is all I do) which integrates cranial/structural techniques with soft tissue protocols and stabilizes structural imbalances responsible for over 90 % of painful symptoms throughout the body. In my opinion it is the most effective
long term rehabilitation from pain there is today. There is a lot of noise out there today about what can help and what cant help. What I can truthfully say is this type of bodywork is successful in achieving tangible results in 70 % of clients I treat.