Northwest Arkansas' 1st & only Yoni Steam!
Vaginal steaming, (AKA: v-steam or yoni steam), is an ancient healing practice used by Mayan, Native American, Asian and other cultures for centuries.
It is a natural way to cleanse the uterus, release toxins and old residue. Medicinal properties of the herbs being heated in a V Steam, is what renders physiological benefits-similar to Moxibustion in traditional Acupuncture.
The V Steam is used for just about everything; to promote healing and rejuvenation for just about any woman’s reproductive health ailment. It may also reduce stress, regulate the menstrual cycle, improve fertility, alleviate painful menstrual cramps, and even help with bladder & vaginal infections with regular practice.
Vaginal steaming, (AKA: v-steam or yoni steam), is an ancient healing practice used by Mayan, Native American, Asian and other cultures for centuries.
It is a natural way to cleanse the uterus, release toxins and old residue. Medicinal properties of the herbs being heated in a V Steam, is what renders physiological benefits-similar to Moxibustion in traditional Acupuncture.
The V Steam is used for just about everything; to promote healing and rejuvenation for just about any woman’s reproductive health ailment. It may also reduce stress, regulate the menstrual cycle, improve fertility, alleviate painful menstrual cramps, and even help with bladder & vaginal infections with regular practice.