South Brunswick, New Jersey is a beautiful suburb of New York City.With top rated public schools, beautiful local parks, and affordablesingle-family homes, South Brunswick has become a popular place toreside. With easy access across the state of New Jersey and intoneighboring states, residents commute in-and-out of the area regularlyfor both business and pleasure.
Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the UnitedStates and can occur anywhere, at anytime. If you or a loved one hasbeen injured in an accident at no fault of your own, call Prosmushkin
&Tsirkin Trial Lawyers to represent your best interests and seekcompensation from the parties involved and their insurance companies.After an initial consultation, our team of experienced attorneys willbuild a case based on fault to seek compensation that covers yourmedical expenses, loss of wages, property damage, and pain andsuffering. We will aggressively seek a settlement that helps ease theburden of the unexpected, life changing, and sometimes-catastrophicevent.
Our team of dedicated lawyers has decades of experience representingpersonal injury cases. We pride ourselves in building cases that showfault and carefully and thoughtfully determine compensation. We workwith accident investigators, medical experts, examiners, and insurancecompanies day-in and day-out. We also pride ourselves in providingunparalleled service to our clients. If you can’t come to us, we go toyou. We make home and hospital visits to make the process easier forour clients. And we are here to handle emergencies 24-hours a day.
Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the UnitedStates and can occur anywhere, at anytime. If you or a loved one hasbeen injured in an accident at no fault of your own, call Prosmushkin
&Tsirkin Trial Lawyers to represent your best interests and seekcompensation from the parties involved and their insurance companies.After an initial consultation, our team of experienced attorneys willbuild a case based on fault to seek compensation that covers yourmedical expenses, loss of wages, property damage, and pain andsuffering. We will aggressively seek a settlement that helps ease theburden of the unexpected, life changing, and sometimes-catastrophicevent.
Our team of dedicated lawyers has decades of experience representingpersonal injury cases. We pride ourselves in building cases that showfault and carefully and thoughtfully determine compensation. We workwith accident investigators, medical experts, examiners, and insurancecompanies day-in and day-out. We also pride ourselves in providingunparalleled service to our clients. If you can’t come to us, we go toyou. We make home and hospital visits to make the process easier forour clients. And we are here to handle emergencies 24-hours a day.