Doral Health & Wellness Gastroenterology Center occupies a fully renovated building. Doral Health and Wellness is outfitted with state-of-the-art medical equipment that includes a 20-bed dialysis suite, a 10-bed infusion suite, procedure rooms, and an outpatient surgical unit. Through a beautiful common area, exercise rooms, our fantastic facility fosters an attractive and comfortable environment for community members, including senior citizens and diabetic patients.
As gastroenterology experts in Brooklyn, New York, we are dedicated to providing the best services. We listen to each patient as a priority while also caring for our patients’ physical and wellness needs. Our staff comprises well-trained professionals who work together to bring you the highest healthcare quality in a warm, loving, and compassionate environment. We are the best at implementing uniquely tailored and individually specific treatment plans to get your digestive tract back on track – fast.
As gastroenterology experts in Brooklyn, New York, we are dedicated to providing the best services. We listen to each patient as a priority while also caring for our patients’ physical and wellness needs. Our staff comprises well-trained professionals who work together to bring you the highest healthcare quality in a warm, loving, and compassionate environment. We are the best at implementing uniquely tailored and individually specific treatment plans to get your digestive tract back on track – fast.