Don't let a legal pitfall destroy the hard work you have done and plan to do. We help you avoid probate and other legal fees when you don't set up your business correctly.
We help California residents with their estate planning needs. We also help local businesses, whether they are existing or are just starting with ongoing legal support, incorporation and LLC formation, and legal plans to protect you and your assets when exiting or selling your business.
As a Law firm in California, all of our lawyers are up to date on California law and how it affects you. Along with our knowledge in law, we focus on being responsive and helpful. We choose to focus on treating you like a person, not a legal issue.
We help California residents with their estate planning needs. We also help local businesses, whether they are existing or are just starting with ongoing legal support, incorporation and LLC formation, and legal plans to protect you and your assets when exiting or selling your business.
As a Law firm in California, all of our lawyers are up to date on California law and how it affects you. Along with our knowledge in law, we focus on being responsive and helpful. We choose to focus on treating you like a person, not a legal issue.