New Destiny Tabernacle is a Pentecostal Apostolic Church that has a vision to impact our world by impacting families first.
Mission & Vision
The Vision & Mission of New Destiny Tabernacle Church is to equip mankind to live and experience the New Birth prescribed in Acts 2:38; thereby being obedient unto Jesus Christ (Acts 26:19). To reach individuals of every culture, race and occupation with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. We will seek to care, share and to give of ourselves in our ministry to others. To provide education, opportunities and support to the community, help heal a hurting humanity, the abused the depressed and those left to die in hopelessness. We desire to empower the New Destiny Tabernacle Family, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically. To allow individuals to develop and excel in the ministry God has anointed them to fulfill. We will promote the expression and demonstration of gifts and talents as we guide each person to their full potential in Jesus Christ.
At New Destiny, We want you to know that there is HOPE IN JESUS CHRIST for your life and we want you to feel at home with us. You are invited to come and fellowship with us as we build God's Kingdom by establishing a greater relationship with you and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our worship services are designed to encourage and empower you, and to speak the truth into your life. Our preaching is Bible-based, and our teaching is insightful and powerful. Come looking for an experience that you can take home not only for yourself—but your families as well.
We open our doors to every ethnicity and age group. Come and see what God has in store for you and your family. By God's grace, we look forwarded to seeing you at the Tabernacle.