Deesing Livestock Handling Systems is an international design and consulting company Specializing in handling system design and animal behavior consulting based in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. We combine construction engineering and principle discovered by animal behavior research to Ensure the Humane treatment of all livestock, wildlife and zoo species. our specialty is corral pens for cattle, bison and pigs.
Contact us:
Phone Number: 9704819983
Email Address:ontheranch1@msn.com
Address: 5300 S Cobble Creek Rd Holladay, Utah 84117
website: https://deesinglivestocksystems.com
Contact us:
Phone Number: 9704819983
Email Address:ontheranch1@msn.com
Address: 5300 S Cobble Creek Rd Holladay, Utah 84117
website: https://deesinglivestocksystems.com