Sleeve Gastrectomy. Sleeve Gastronomy is also known as gastric sleeve surgery, or “sleeve”, procedure. During this procedure, the left side of the stomach is removed, leaving a stomach roughly the size and shape of a banana. Through 5 key-hole sized incisions, roughly 80% of the stomach is removed making patients feel full quicker and thus giving them better portion control. The segment of the stomach which is removed also houses hormone producing cells (Ghrelin- also known as a hunger hormone) which trigger hunger and therefore, once that portion of stomach is removed, hunger levels/cravings also tend to diminish. Sleeve gastrectomy also markedly improves most obesity-related comorbidities such as diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension and hyperlipidemia.
While there are a number of non surgical diet plans available, bariatric surgery, whether it’s gastric bypass, lap band surgery or sleeve gastrectomy, produces the best results for achieving long-term success. Bariatric Surgery Can Effectively Treat Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Sleep Apnea. Bariatric surgery has been documented as reducing premature death rates and improving, if not curing, the co-morbidities (other related illnesses) associated with being obese. We’ve also seen improvement with arthritis general pain, mobility, asthma, infertility, and lymphedema.